Editor: Leo Berlips
Co-editor: Christian Papilloud

" ‘Freudian psychoanalysis’ is the ontogeny, ‘Schicksalanalyse’ the genealogy, and Jung's ‘Analytical psychology’, the archaeology of the deep mental processes."
L. Szondi.

Last update 10 Nov 2001 1:00PM GMT
Update list:
Opening new section Cahiers
New articles:
The two faces of Violence   “Oedipus and Moses”. by Jean Mélon   Who was Susanne Deri  




01 10 11

Herewith I send an index of the latest SZONDIANA publication.

The first article by Ines Grämiger is about „Textanalys“ (Verbalisíerungsanalys) and presents, like Rolf Kenmo's questionnaire, an interesting new approach to use the Szondi factors.

In my opinion it might be worthwhile to investigate the use of this method in connection with projective tests of type“Thematic Apperception Test” (TAT) or the “Object relation” or the “Four picture test” test. These tests also use text analysis to get a better insight in personality.

In this field you will find especially Henry A. Murray's book “Exploration in personalities” , (Oxford University Press, 6th printing, 760 pages) a gold mine of information. This book is one of my favourites and certainly belongs to the “top- ten” of the psychological literature of the last century. Murray made this great investigation in the same time as Szondi started his experiments, in the mid of the thirties. The interesting fact is that many TAT specialists don't even know about this investigation by which the TAT originated, as such Murray shares the fate of Szondi. (for more information about H.A. Murray see attached file)

At the same time I want to inform you that, at the end of November, I will leave for Thailand where I hope to spend the winter together with my wife. However you can contact me after this period by my e-mail address: berlips@hotmail.com

Due to changes in our economy it will gradually become more difficult for us to sponsor the www.szondiforum.com Site. Next year we have to decide if we will continue to sponsor the Szondi Forum. Let me hear if you are interested that we will keep going on.

For you who read English and feel painfully the absence of basic Szondi literature in English I want to point out that in Richard Hughes' books you will find written in English, an introduction to Szondi's theory as well as the application of it, within the frame of a general context of the humanities and Christian moral psychology.

For some of you it might even be a worthwhile excursion away from a too one sided focusing on the Szondi test as such, and by this get a better insight in the great contributions that Szondi made to Culture. Prof Hughes is a Professor of Religion at the Lycoming College and has written several books that I mentioned already before. (1)

In the mean time I send you from Sweden my very best Szondi greetings.

Leo Berlips


Return of the Ancestor" Peter Lang, 1992, 0-8204-1790-4. “This is my attempt to interpret the life and work of Dr. Szondi in the general context of the humanities”

"The Radiant Shock of Death" Peter Lang, 1995, 0-8204-2610-5. >“This deals with the dreams and visions of death and grief, using Dr.Szondi's ideas, and drawing upon epilepsy as the medical paradigm of the death experience. I posit the idea of the acceleration of death in the face of mortal danger; i.e. facing death or danger the mind speeds up and intensifies, becoming luminous. This parallels the Dostoevsky aura”<.

These and his new book:

"Cain's Lament: A Christian Moral Psychology." are available from Peter Lang AG; Jupiterstrasse 15; CH 3000, Bern 15; Switzerland.

This is a major work in which I draw upon Szondi's ideas and develop some of my own. I have a chapter on genetics, in which I try to update his theory of geotropism. I believe that continues to be a fundamental concept and worthy of exploration. I still like the original Szondi, or as you say, the "Old Testament Szondi." I develop the idea of the Cain personality and have a chapter on the "Childhood Cain," in which I draw upon Dr. Ringger's work, whom you mention in your newsletter. I am impressed with his work, and I read his essays very carefully. I wish I could communicate to him my deep appreciation of his excellent work<

SZONDIANA: 2001 Jahrgang Heft 1
Ines Grämiger Die Verbalisierungsanalyse («VA») als interdisziplinâres Forschungsinstrument der SchicksaLspsychologie 6
The Textanalysisas interdisziplinâres research instrument of the SchicksaLspsychologie 6
lnes Grämiger Das «MessieSyndrom» (Mit Demonstration der Verbalisierungsanalyse) 12
The " Collecting mania“ syndrome " (with demonstration of the Verbalisierungsanalyse) 12
Esther Genton Meier Der SzondiTest in der Paarberatung/therapie 32
Esther Genton/Tripet Le couple: approche théoretique et clinique de la relation conjugale 48
The couple: theoretic and clinical approach of the marital relation 48
Barbara Tripet Libidotropisme Choix amoureux à partir du Test de Szondi 50
Libidotropism - Choice in love starting from the Test with Szondi 50
Virginia Rotarescu Le Test Szondi dans la Clinique de Neurochirurgie 69
The Szondi Test in the Private clinic of Neurosurgery 69
Hans Heusser Nicht sachlogische Themenkonglomerate in Trâumen. Beobachtungen zu Szondis Faktor «e» 75
Non object logical topic conglomerates in dreams. Observations of Szondis factor " >e< 75
Yùe Matsubara A Study on the Character of Alcoholics by
«Experimentali Diagnostics in Drives» 94
Alexander L.Loschkin Investigation of the person of a violent criminal by a method
of a frequency analysis: the vectorpictures of the Szonditest 115
Adina Bùrcutean /Nicolae Dumitrascu The psychologicali profile of the «street children» in Bucharest 122
Susanne Hauser Bildungstheorie in der Psychotherapie 134
Education theory in the Psychotherapie 134
Jaakko Gabriel Borg Szondis Personality Theory in theYear 2000
Some experimental Specifications, Book 1. 141
Informationen (Information) 142


(Information en francais ref. au Colloque en November 2001, se trouve a la fin de cette Newsletter)

OBS: The new address of the Forum is www.szondiforum.com

Dear Szondi friends from all over the world,

Herewith follows the latest news about the Szondi Forum. Originally I had planned to write this already in February but due to health conditions I was forced to postpone several of my projects.

Anyhow many new articles were transferred during the past months to the Forum. Some of them to a new section called: Szondi Vector Description. This section is not quite finished yet but I hope that gradually the rest of the articles finally will be transferred.

Another and very extended section, with French text, was opened with the title CAHIERS. It contains many interesting articles. However due to some communication problems I discovered only a few days ago that these Cahiers, about the same time, were published by Dr. Robert Maebe on his general information site > http://www.cep.yucom.be

His Cahiers were updated the 14/7.

On his site you also will find detailed information and the PROGRAM of the Louvain group's Colloquium in November 2001 in Belgium. The title of the Colloquium is “Constellations”. (Obs: the language used will be limited to French.) At the end of this letter I show the French Invitation.

I remind you also that Dr. Maebe has developed a Szondi Computer program. He uses Pathoanalytical concepts for the calculation and interpretation of Szondi protocols. For more information about this you can contact him on >roma@yucom.be<

But also my technical assistant Slavick Shibayev in Odessa has developed a Computer interpretation program. His program uses the classical Schicksals analytical concepts for interpretation and calculation. It is Slavick who, since several years takes care for the technical transfer of articles and information to the Forum. In case you have technical internet problems you might contact him for assistance, he just opened his own computer firm. For more info contact: >slavick@consul.com.ua<.

Besides the above-mentioned articles several new articles in Portuguese were published in the Spanish and Portuguese section.

Another interesting article is written by Ines Graemiger with the title “The two faces of violence”: The Cobra and the Pitbull type. (A differential diagnosis). It treats about Personality profiles of women abusers. She is a competent Swiss graphologist as well as an outstanding Szondi specialist. Her article was originally published in German in “Szondiana” ( 2000, 20 Jahrgang, Heft 1). In case you want to contact her you will find her telephone number and address at the end of this article.

As for information about books in English, I remind you especially of Prof. Richard Hughes books. (see footnote).

Since a few months ago I have finished my work as a modern “Hermes” (postman, telegraphist), keeping on transferring articles about Szondi etc to many parts of the world. One of the reasons for this is that I feel more and more the weight of my age; I will become 81 years at the end of this year!

Although I felt somewhat sad to be forced to do so, it was made easier for me by the report I got about the Forum's user statistics that I received in April 2001. It showed that the amount of visitors to the Forum had increased substantially. This report shows that during April:

491 Megabytes were used in general Internet traffic with the Forum.

Of these not less then 300 Megabytes were exclusively used for downloading articles. This shows indeed that a very great amount of information about Szondi's ideas were transferred into computers from all over the world, moreover it proves clearly that the Forum fulfilled a need.

This remind me also that it soon will be 5 years ago that I started the Forum, assisted by my eldest son John-Patrick who then took care for the technical setting up.

This success, as for the increased use of the Forum, is a compliment to all of you who have contributed to the Forum's content or who have encouraged me during these years.

For me personally this report was the best reward I ever could get for my own contributions to the Forum during those years.

In the next future I plan to use most of my time to take up again my interests in Mythology. However, notwithstanding the near total reduction of my Szondi work, I will continue to publish general news and information about meetings etc. Sometime You will hear from Me again!

Dear Szondi friends, to all of you wherever you are, in the Northern or Southern part of the world, I send you my best regards and wish you a VERY HAPPY SZONDI DESTINY.

Your editor, Leo Berlips.

Footnote :

Return of the Ancestor" Peter Lang, 1992, 0-8204-1790-4. “This is my attempt to interpret the life and work of Dr. Szondi in the general context of the humanities”

"The Radiant Shock of Death" Peter Lang, 1995, 0-8204-2610-5. >“This deals with the dreams and visions of death and grief, using Dr.Szondi's ideas, and drawing upon epilepsy as the medical paradigm of the death experience. I posit the idea of the acceleration of death in the face of mortal danger; i.e. facing death or danger the mind speeds up and intensifies, becoming luminous. This parallels the Dostoevsky aura”<.

These and his new book:

"Cain's Lament: A Christian Moral Psychology." are available from Peter Lang AG; Jupiterstrasse 15; CH 3000, Bern 15; Switzerland.

This is a major work in which I draw upon Szondi's ideas and develop some of my own. I have a chapter on genetics, in which I try to update his theory of geotropism. I believe that continues to be a fundamental concept and worthy of exploration. I still like the original Szondi, or as you say, the "Old Testament Szondi." I develop the idea of the Cain personality and have a chapter on the "Childhood Cain," in which I draw upon Dr. Ringger's work, whom you mention in your newsletter. I am impressed with his work, and I read his essays very carefully. I wish I could communicate to him my deep appreciation of his excellent work<


Centre d¹Etudes Pathoanalytiques a.s.b.l.
rue Vandeweyer 53
B 1030 Schaarbeek

Madame, Mademoiselle, Monsieur,
Cher ami, chère amie,

Notre association organise un Colloque. Il aura lieu du mercredi 31 Octobre 2001 au soir (accueil) au dimanche 4 Novembre 2001 à midi. Il se déroulera à Vaalbeek : ce lieu tenu par des religieux, met à notre disposition 20 chambres à 2 personnes pour le logement et des salles pour des séminaires et conférences. Les repas y sont également assurés.

L'ambiance est très conviviale.

Ce Colloque n'est pas du tout organisé par l'Association Internationale Szondi (Zürich) et ne dépend d'aucune Université. Il s'agit bien d'un Colloque du C.E.P. Nous allons mettre l'accent sur la la pratique du Test, sur la clinique, sur les fonctions de l'outil szondien dans la rencontre clinique, dans l'élaboration de la pensée théorico-clinique et dans l'interaction avec d'autres instruments projectifs (Rorschach e.a.)

Nous voulons donc ouvrir ce Colloque aux praticiens, aux jeunes et à ceux qui sont plus expérimentés.

Ces praticiens pourraient venir témoigner de leur travail clinique avec le Test dans le domaine qui est le leur, via une ou l'autre étude de cas paradigmatique.

Par exemple nous songeons aux champs de la psychiatrie (hospitalisations de différents types), de la psychosomatique, de la criminologie, de la prise en charge des délinquants sexuels, etc L'éventail, bien sûr, n'est pas clos.

Nous vous écrivons pour vous informer de la préparation de ce Colloque, pour vous demander de bien vouloir déjà diffuser l'information présente autour de vous et pour susciter, parmi les praticiens du Test que vous connaissez et fréquentez régulièrement, l'idée d'une intervention, d'un engagement à venir témoigner et partager leur savoir, leurs questions, leur expérience

Bien sûr, en vous écrivant, nous faisons déjà appel à vous-même : vous pouvez, si vous le souhaitez, présenter une réflexion, une étude de cas ou un exposé plus théorique.

Le désir du C.E.P. est de faire appel à des praticiens venant de Montpellier, de Lausanne, de Bruxelles et d'ailleurs. Tout celà dans l'esprit du mouvement szondien, d'ouverture, de liberté.

Cette lettre constitue un appel aux intervenants. Nous souhaitons recevoir votre accord ou vos suggestions pour la fin du mois de février 2001.

C'est seulement alors que nous pourrons établir un programme du Colloque qui vous sera communiqué.

N'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous restons à votre disposition pour toute information supplémentaire et pour toute aide éventuellement souhaitéeŠ

Très cordialement, Bob Maebe, Président, et Max Aurières, Fiorella Febo, Jean Kinable, Marc Ledoux, Philippe Lekeuche, Jean Mélon, Henri Vanderschelden, Jean-Pierre Van Meerbeek.

Sécrétariat du Colloque
Dr. Bob Maebe
Schakelveldstraat 5
B 3211 Binkom
tél.: 32(16)816936
e-mail.: roma@yucom.be

News archive

Bulletin et Appel Duruz 00 02 01

A mailing list for the Szondians. Click here for details.

!!News in the spanish section  here!!

3 new articles in the spanish section.

News of Leo Berlips from Alicante (Spain)

RÉSUME Colloquium 99 (the XVth MEETING, Szondi International Society, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) July, 15 -17, 1999.)

010101 001222 001117 000901
000530 000423 000201 991223
990416 990307 981201 981009
980922 980916 980614 980505

IMPORTANT: from here now you will need a winzip or archiv program to catch and read properly the files there are in the Forum. You can download our version from winzip here available for windows 9x. For the use and FAQs on winzip installation, please contact the site of winzip here

Leo Berlips
Your Editor,
Leo Berlips